Optical microfibers have been fabricated using a fusion splicer by varying a few control parameters, namely the arc power, fusion time and pulling distance. The geometrical characteristics of the optical microfibers such as length of the transition region and waist, taper angles and cladding diameters are believed to play a role in determining the optical transmission losses. This study revealed the advantage of the one-sided pulling technique to produce small diameter of cladding and core of the optical microfiber namely, 1.43 μm and 0.67 μm respectively with the waist length of 7.35 μm. Strong oscillations of light propagation were observed when the cladding diameter was less than 2μm. The optimum ratio of the taper angle and the transition length are 0.75 and 1.27, respectively with a transmission loss percentage of 16.03%..
Optical microfiber, Taper angle, Transmission losses, Transition length, Waist length.
WAN MAISARAH MUKHTAR, SAHBUDIN SHAARI, P. SUSTHITHA MENON, ABANG ANNUAR EHSAN, Analysis of biconical taper geometries to the transmission losses in optical microfibers, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 6, 11-12, November-December 2012, pp.988-992 (2012).
Submitted at: July 18, 2012
Accepted at: Oct. 30, 2012