During the propagation of an electron bunch through the discontinuity of the (Coulomb) self-fields for the sharp boundary
with different dielectric constant, a surface current of background electrons is generated, which in return emits transition
radiation. In this study a comparison for temporal field profile of THZ pulse has been investigated for different quasimonoenergetic
(momentum) distribution. Our calculation shows a rather well THZ signal for higher pick quasimonoenergetic
distribution but according to experimental results, most electrons bunches follow the Boltzmann energy
distribution. In our comparison, for distributions consisting quasi- monoenergetic electron, we have shown that the optimum
THZ coherent radiation will occur; furthermore in smaller emission (or observation) angle it would be considerable..
Field profile, Momentum, Coherent radiation, Terahertz, Electron acceleration, Dielectric constant.
P. ZOBDEH, A. H. ESMAILIAN, P. ABAD, Effect of plasma-vacuum boundary for coherent transition radiation, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 8, 9-10, September-October 2014, pp.840-844 (2014).
Submitted at: June 28, 2014
Accepted at: Sept. 11, 2014