CI@Co-P particles are prepared by electroless plating technics. The structure, morphology, and antioxidant properties
analyses demonstrate that the the CI particles have been coated with intact spherical-shell Co-P coating, and the Co-P
coatings, as the efficient barriers to prevent the further oxidation of the CI particles, can delay the oxidant temperature of
CI about 150 °C. In terms of reflection loss (RL), the absorbing frequency band (AFB, the value of RL< -10 dB) and the
matching thickness (tm), CI particles also show effective performances after the surface modification of Co-P: minimum RL
of -45.0 dB with tm=1.6mm at 9.7 GHz, AFB of 8.2- 12.4GHz. The results indicate that Co-P coated CI particles can
significantly improve the antioxidant properties of CI particles with no negative influence for RL of CI and that CI@Co-P
particles could be used as an effective microwave absorption material..
Electromagnetic and microwave, Carbonyl iron, Cobalt, antioxidant.
LI RONG, ZHOU WAN-CHENG, ZHOU YING-YING, LIU YUAN, Electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties and antioxidant properties of Co-P coating on carbonyl iron, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 9, 1-2, January-February 2015, pp.231-233 (2015).
Submitted at: Sept. 29, 2014
Accepted at: Jan. 21, 2015