The high
er efficient anomalous reflection performance in short wavelength region is carefully designed and numerically
demonstrated based on an ultrathin phase gradient meta surface arrays. T he se meta surface s , comprising a periodic
arrangement of metal nanobricks configurations providing required phase shift for the reflected beam from 0°to 360°, exhibit
a higher conversion efficiency of about 8 7 limited by Ohmic loss in the metal to anomalous reflection mode at normal
incidence. Importantly, the light polarization of the anomalous reflection is same as that of the incident wave. The generalized
Snell’s law is verified by the near field propagating characteristics of a plane wave and the far field distribution. Compared
with a conventional optical phase shifts components, n ew degrees of designed freedom can be attained by introducing this
abrupt linear phase variation along the ultrathin planar interface . Based on these metasurfaces with the great flexibility in
manipulation of light beam, some optical components with inaccessible functionalities by a traditional nanostructure can be
reali zed. Further, the discrete elements in a unit array are replaced by the continuous one , in which the anomalous reflection
phenomenon also arises..
Metasurface, Metamaterial, Anomalous reflection, Infrared region.
MIAN JIA, HUIHUI ZHU, DONGSHUO ZHU, WEIMIN WANG, GUOHUA SHI, XUFENG JING, High ly efficient anomalous reflection by ultrathin phase gradient planar meta surface arrays in near infrared region, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 11, 3-4, March-April 2017, pp.148-152 (2017).
Submitted at: Sept. 8, 2016
Accepted at: April 6, 2017