In this paper, the influence of frequencies [10 Hz – 1 MHz] on the output admittance, conductance and susceptance of
GaAs MESFETs is measured and analyzed under the following conditions: saturation regime, drain-source bias, Vds = 1 V
and variable gate-source bias - 0.45 V < Vgs < - 0.2 V. It was found that, for low frequencies, a very pronounced frequency
dispersion of the output admittance is observed with a maximum being obtained for Vgs = - 0.45 V corresponding to an
almost pinched off channel. The conductance shows an initial sharp decrease that reach a minimum for a frequency f ≈ 100
Hz; it then increases to saturate for f ≥ 1 KHz. Whereas, for the susceptance, the minimum is reached at different
frequencies and the saturation appears at a null value for f > 10 KHz. These experimental results could be used for the
quantification of deep traps in the energy gap of the semi-insulating substrate.
GaAs, MESFET, Output admittance, Conductance, Frequency.
Z. HADJOUB, K. CHEIKH, A. DOGHMANE, Influence of frequencies on output admittance, conductance and susceptance of GaAs MESFETs, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 3, 4, April 2009, pp.360-363 (2009).
Submitted at: April 1, 2009
Accepted at: April 23, 2009