The paper presents some researches about the influence of the plastic deformation kinetics, respectively, of the relative rate of drawing, the force parameters and on the resistance and plasticity mechanical characteristics, during the ultrasonics drawing of the cylindrical symmetry metallic wires able to be hardened, when the die is placed in the maximum of the waves oscillations and it is activated along the drawing direction. The modifications of the force parameters and of the resistance and plasticity mechanical characteristics are considered to be based on “the ultrasounds surface effect” accepting the phenomenon of the mean friction reversal in a complete time of the oscillation, T - Severdenko’s model. As a reduction measure of the mean friction at the metal-tool contact is the coefficient φ..
Ultrasonics drawing process, Hardening process, Plastic deformation kinetics, Relative rate of drawing,
Ultrasounds surface effect.
B. – L. GAVRILĂ, M. SUSAN, E. CHIRILĂ, V. BULANCEA, M. – L. CRAUS, Influence of the plastic deformation kinetics during the ultrasonics drawing of the metallic wires able to be hardened, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 6, 11-12, November-December 2012, pp.1097-1103 (2012).
Submitted at: April 27, 2012
Accepted at: Oct. 30, 2012