The new light annealing effect (LAE) in photodarkened Ge-As-S films found by us was explained on the basis of dual action of light (DAL). Light not only increases the network disorder at photodarkening (PD) but could also provoke its decrease leading to photobleaching (PB), competing with PD. To show that the PB is not related with photooxidation on the film surface we perform the illumination through the substrate with highly absorbed monochromatic light with penetration depth lower than the film thickness. Direct evidence has been found that the DAL governs the peculiarities of the photoinduced phenomena in chalcogenides..
Chalcogenide thin films, Optical properties, Photoinduced changes.
E. VATEVA, D. ARSOVA, I. MILOUSHEV, On dual action of light and light annealing effect in chalcogenide films, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 6, 11-12, November-December 2012, pp.997-998 (2012).
Submitted at: Aug. 12, 2012
Accepted at: Oct. 30, 2012