The thermal effusivity of two solids (steel and epoxy) was measured by using a combined FPPE-TWRC technique. The suitability of using the amplitude or phase of the PPE signal, as source of information, for backing materials with different values of thermal effusivity was analyzed. The values of thermal effusivity obtained for the investigated materials when using the amplitude and phase are in good agreement. Concerning the accuracy of the data processing, the amplitude seems to be more suitable for good thermal conductors (steel), while the phase offers a better accuracy in the case of low
thermal conductors (epoxy)..
Thermal effusivity, Photothermal phenomena, Photopyroelectric calorimetry, Solids.
D. DADARLAT, M. N. POP, V. TOSA, S. LONGUEMART, A. HADJ SAHRAOUI, P. HUS, On the photopyroelectric investigation of thermal effusivity of solids. Amplitude vs. phase in the FPPETWRC configuration, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 4, 11, November 2010, pp.1775-1778 (2010).
Submitted at: Sept. 27, 2010
Accepted at: Nov. 10, 2010