We present an analytic study on solitons in a nonlocal nonlinear medium. There are three types of competing nonlinearities
that are taken into account in our model. They are weakly nonlocal nonlinearity, cubic nonlinearity and quintic nonlinearity.
By means of the Lie symmetry analysis, we report the bright and dark solitons and their respective existence conditions..
Solitons, Nonlocal nonlinearity, Lie symmetry analysis.
GANGWEI WANG, MOHAMMAD MIRZAZADEH, MIN YAO, QIN ZHOU, Optical solitons under competing weakly nonlocal nonlinearity and cubic-quintic nonlinearities, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 10, 11-12, November–December 2016, pp.807-810 (2016).
Submitted at: Aug. 12, 2016
Accepted at: Nov. 25, 2016