We studied the transport properties of charge carriers in monolayer graphene-based barrier structures with Terahertz wave
fields. The angularly averaged conductivity, shot noise, and Fano factor of the system have been calculated and analyzed as
the external field strength, incident energy and the barrier width are changed. We find that they are improved and show
peculiar behavior, due to the presence of external field. One can control the transport of carriers by adjusting the external
field strength and the structure parameters of the system..
Transmission probability, Conductivity, Shot noise, Fano factor.
HAIYANG CHEN, CAIJUAN PAN, Photon-assisted electron transport in monolayer graphene with Terahertz wave fields, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 13, 7-8, July-August 2019, pp.426-431 (2019).
Submitted at: Oct. 5, 2018
Accepted at: Aug. 20, 2019