Based on the density functional theory (DFT) within local-density approximations (LDA) approach, we calculate the electronic properties of SiC nanowires and nanodots. The saturated nanowires exhibit semiconducting characteristics with a direct band gap and the band gaps decrease with increasing the diameters of the nanostructures due to quantum confinement. The difference of between the band gap of nanowires and that of bulk SiC evolves as Ewire 0.51/ d1.245 g Δ = as the diameter d decreases, while Edot 2.18 / d0.85 g Δ = for the case of nanodots.
SiC nanowire, SiC nanodot, First principles, Quantum confinement.
SHENGJIE WANG, CHUNLAI ZHANG, ZHIGUO WANG, XIAOTAO ZU, Quantum confinement effect in silicon carbide nanostructures: a first principles study, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 4, 6, June 2010, pp.771-773 (2010).
Submitted at: March 6, 2010
Accepted at: June 16, 2010