We study the effect of temperature on the optimum fiber length for maximum gain of Erbium doped almino-germanosilicate, aluminum-oxide and yattria-silicate glass, with fixed pump power. The optimum length depends strongly on the temperature and increases as the temperature increases. The maximum gain also depends on the wavelength and power of the signal which validate our findings through distributed gain measurements and so optimum length too.
Optimum length, Optical amplifiers, EDFA, Temperature effect.
OSAMA MAHRAN, AHMED E. EL-SAMAHY, MOHAMMED SALAH HELMY, MOURAD ABD EL HAI, Study the effect of temperature on the optimum length of Er3+ doped almino-germanosilicate, aluminum-oxide and yttria-silicate glass, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 4, 12, December 2010, pp.1994-1999 (2010).
Submitted at: April 22, 2010
Accepted at: Nov. 29, 2010