In this paper, the dependence of quantum efficiency on the direction of incident light, carrier concentrations, surface
recombination velocities and material thicknesses for In0.53Ga0.47As photovoltaic detector has been analyzed. When light
injected from p-side, the p-region surface recombination velocity, its carrier concentration and thickness have significant
impact to the quantum efficiency. The n-region material parameters have slight impact on quantum efficiency. The surface
recombination velocity and its thickness influence is primarily for low carrier concentration (n<1017cm-3). When light injected
from n-side, the n-region surface recombination velocity affects quantum efficiency when n<1017cm-3; the influence of
thickness on quantum efficiency is primarily when n>1016cm-3..
In0.53Ga0.47As PV detector, Material parameters, Quantum efficiency.
YINGTIAN XU, YING LI, BEIHONG LONG, YAN MA, GUOTONG DU, JINGZHI YIN, Studying the influence of material parameters on quantum efficiency of In0.53Ga0.47As photovoltaic detector, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 6, 11-12, November-December 2012, pp.1009-1014 (2012).
Submitted at: June 12, 2012
Accepted at: Oct. 30, 2012