The supply to the total spectral shift of each type of interactions from the binary solutions of some benzo-[f]-quinolinium
cycloaducts and benzo-[f]-quinolinium-ylids was estimated by using the Bakhshiev model describing the intermolecular
interactions influence on the electronic spectrum when the spectrally active molecules pass from their gaseous phase to
binary solutions.
Intermolecular interactions, Benzo-[f]-quinolinium cycloaducts, Benzo-[f]-quinolinium –methylids, Spectral shift.
M. DIMITRIU, D. G. DIMITRIU, D. O. DOROHOI, Supply to the spectral shifts of each type of intermolecular interactions in binary solutions, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, 2, 12, December 2008, pp.867-870 (2008).
Submitted at: Sept. 6, 2008
Accepted at: Dec. 4, 2008